Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas

Wow, I am really bad at keeping this up! Think that will be my New Year's resolution to be more efficient on keeping people updated! We will see how that goes. Anyway, what have we been up to...well, Blake has been continuing his skating lessons, Avery turned two and they are both very excited about Santa coming. This past weekend they were sick and missed Blake's very first Christmas program at church. I think we were more disappointed than he was but then again he was the one sick!

So because I haven't posted anything in over a month here are some pictures and video of Blake skating (he's the one in the John Deere sweatshirt). Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! -The Como's-

Goofing off during Christmas pictures!

Happy accident family picture!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Well another Halloween has come and gone. It is always so much fun preparing for it and then it is over in a few hours. The boys seemed to enjoy it. Blake totally understands it and loves it but Avery isn't so sure. He would only wear the costume for pictures...reluctantly. Props to Grandpa Bruce who made both the costumes again this year. Everyone loved them.