Well, today is Mike's 36th birthday. Hopefully he is having a good day. He told me this morning that his company might be making 12 hour days mandatory for a while because they have to much work to do...what a GREAT birthday present!
Just an update on us:
Avery - has had another heart cath and things are looking good right now. He isn't going to need surgery this year but he did have some stents put into his pulmonary arteries in order to get them to grow and relieve some pressure in his heart. He has grown an inch and three quarters since March and continues to be as active as any 2 1/2 year old. Not much keeps him down.
Avery Mini Golfing
Avery ready to go into his heart cath
Dr Burton examining Avery after his heart cath
Avery & Mommy ready to go home
Blake - is doing great riding his bike and is looking forward to his birthday in another 6 weeks or so. He already has his Christmas list going. He is ready to do some hunting with his daddy this year hopefully. Both boys got to go scouting in the boat yesterday and they loved it.
Blake singing in the shower
Mike- is looking forward to doing lots of uninterrupted hunting this year. He hasn't had a fall without surgeries or babies being born for 3 years so hopefully this year is the year.
Misty- is still doing daycare and continues to work on the desserts too. I just finished one wedding and have two more coming up at the end of September. It is busy but fun!