10 years ago
Friday, April 8, 2011
I've Moved...
...I hope you will follow me! I have changed the name of the blog and I hope that all my followers will come along with me. http://missmultitasker.wordpress.com/ is my new home. All the old posts have been migrated over as well.
No More Babies...
Being out of the diaper stage is a huge deal for most parents...myself included. Although I don't get away from it since I do daycare I no longer have to purchase them which is huge! Our family has been out of the diaper stage for nearly 3 years and we knew there was no going back (although I've had my cases of baby fever in the past) so the decision was made that Mike would be the one to go in and take care of matters.
A week ago he went in to have a vasectomy. I wasn't sure what to expect as far as pain as there are a wide range of stories we've heard ranging from 'I was at a hockey game the same night' to 'he was off work for a week'. So I was prepared for the worst...a husband who moaned and groaned on the couch for the entire weekend.
Thursday evening I asked if he was nervous and he said no but on the way to the dr's office I think it was starting to sneak up on him. We had to wait in the waiting room for an hour and the relaxing medicine was kicking in...Mike was getting sleepy. When we finally got in we talked to the nurse for a few minutes while she prepped everything and then the dr came in. We LOVE our dr and he has a wonderful personality so the conversation was easy and the procedure went smoothly.
Mike spent Friday night on the couch watching TV and I took the kids out shopping with me so he had quiet. Then Saturday my brother-in-law came over to watch the kids while I went to a shower out of town. Mike was feeling pretty good by Saturday night and had really had minimal pain...of course he was using his bag of frozen corn to ice things:) By Sunday I think he was going a little stir crazy and was moving around a little more. He played ball with the boys on Sunday afternoon before we went out for supper with family.
Overall I think his experience was good and there seems to be no complications. Now let's hope that those swimmers are all gone...we'll find out in about 6 weeks:)
A week ago he went in to have a vasectomy. I wasn't sure what to expect as far as pain as there are a wide range of stories we've heard ranging from 'I was at a hockey game the same night' to 'he was off work for a week'. So I was prepared for the worst...a husband who moaned and groaned on the couch for the entire weekend.
Thursday evening I asked if he was nervous and he said no but on the way to the dr's office I think it was starting to sneak up on him. We had to wait in the waiting room for an hour and the relaxing medicine was kicking in...Mike was getting sleepy. When we finally got in we talked to the nurse for a few minutes while she prepped everything and then the dr came in. We LOVE our dr and he has a wonderful personality so the conversation was easy and the procedure went smoothly.
Mike spent Friday night on the couch watching TV and I took the kids out shopping with me so he had quiet. Then Saturday my brother-in-law came over to watch the kids while I went to a shower out of town. Mike was feeling pretty good by Saturday night and had really had minimal pain...of course he was using his bag of frozen corn to ice things:) By Sunday I think he was going a little stir crazy and was moving around a little more. He played ball with the boys on Sunday afternoon before we went out for supper with family.
Overall I think his experience was good and there seems to be no complications. Now let's hope that those swimmers are all gone...we'll find out in about 6 weeks:)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
New Recipes
I have been trying to make bread pudding for quite a while but either didn't have the bread or not the time. So yesterday I finally did it! I have never eaten bread pudding nor made it so it was a shot in the dark. However, it turned out wonderfully. I will definitely be making it again...might try a caramel recipe that I saw a while back. SO YUMMY!
The other thing I am trying new is cooking a pork roast in Dr Pepper of all things! I can't wait to try it tonight as it is cooking in the crock pot. I will let you know how it turns out!
The other thing I am trying new is cooking a pork roast in Dr Pepper of all things! I can't wait to try it tonight as it is cooking in the crock pot. I will let you know how it turns out!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
New Name
I have been wanting to change the name of my blog for quite some time and since a friend of mine told me that Wordpress is the blog site to be using that gives me a great opportunity to make a new name that isn't so personal for the blog. I like when people use something in their life to create a name for their blog so I've been toying with a few things...
Charles Ave - the street we live on
Hockey Mom - a big part of my life but it is also already a blog name
OCD - something I struggle with in my life (not a major case just very particular)
Red House - the color of our house
Mother of Two - how many kids I have
There are lots of other factors of my life but those are a few that I've toyed with so far. I know some of you are very creative...what are your ideas?
Charles Ave - the street we live on
Hockey Mom - a big part of my life but it is also already a blog name
OCD - something I struggle with in my life (not a major case just very particular)
Red House - the color of our house
Mother of Two - how many kids I have
There are lots of other factors of my life but those are a few that I've toyed with so far. I know some of you are very creative...what are your ideas?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I was posting a video of our Avery at their hockey fest last weekend on YouTube and found another video that I had uploaded a nearly three years ago. He was so stinkin' cute and wish it wasn't gone...they grow too fast. Now we have a 5 year old who wants to do everything his big brother does including tying his shoes and losing teeth. I am so glad we have this memory but I miss this LITTLE boy.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
As anyone who knows him is well aware my younges son, Avery, is VERY obsessed with hockey. He lives and breathes hockey. A few weeks ago he was practicing his shots and was doing a shot where he was off to the side of the net, nearly even with it and making it in. He explained that it was called a 'Drewber' shot and that he had been told by his coaches the name was such. When I told Mike about it he had never heard of such a shot and is thinking he was mixed up but one never knows with that child!
Since then he has been practicing his wrist shot and his backhand:)
Since then he has been practicing his wrist shot and his backhand:)
Takes Balls!
I was out for a walk on a chilly but sunny day over the weekend when I got a text from my husband which was a forward of one he had receieved at 4:30 am! It was a message from a cousin of mine asking if he could use our credit card for a $1,000 charge as he didn't have any cards with that amount available. Apparently he was breeding his dog and purchased some dog semen from another state and needed the money to pay the refundable deposit on the shipping box. We would get our money back once the vet got her materials back (guessing the box belonged to the vet?).
I cannot imagine asking someone for that kind of money for something like that! Medical bills are one thing and maybe even if it was my own brother but a cousin who only contacts us when he needs something...NO WAY! I can't believe someone would have the balls to do that but apparently it was important.
I'm begging you...do not ask me for money unless it is a GOOD reason and dog semen is NOT it!
I cannot imagine asking someone for that kind of money for something like that! Medical bills are one thing and maybe even if it was my own brother but a cousin who only contacts us when he needs something...NO WAY! I can't believe someone would have the balls to do that but apparently it was important.
I'm begging you...do not ask me for money unless it is a GOOD reason and dog semen is NOT it!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I volunteered to make a poster for the locker room for my son who plays hockey. I thought he would want to make it because he is quite creative and a great artist. However, once he saw a couple of the other ones he didn't want to make it...I think he was intimidated. So it was left up to me. For some reason this idea came to me and it turned out great! I was kind of embarrassed that I actually made a poster for the wrong color team but I fixed it and it worked out. I was thinking Blake was on the black team because he had been wearing his jersey from last year so I forgot that he was gold this year!
Friday, March 25, 2011
20 minutes...
Last night I had 20 minutes in a quiet house with no one but myself! The boys had gone to hockey with grandma and Mike wasn't home from work yet. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. It wasn't enough time to start a project so I ended up surfing facebook for a little bit and then washing dishes. It was a peaceful 20 minutes but I wish I would have chosen to sit down and relax by reading a book or something but things need to be done.
What do you do with 20 minutes?
What do you do with 20 minutes?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
My roast
I don't have any fabulous pictures to share of the roast I cooked but I have a questions for all my readers. I nneed to know what I am doing wrong with it. I have cooked roasts for many years in the crockpot and they used to be well cooked and falling apart...the way I like it! The past few times I've made roast it has been tough and hard to chew. The last one I cooked was cooked for 8 hours in the crockpot with carrots like I always have. Any suggestions or recommendations?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Mall of America
Even though I live fairly close I have only shopped at the mall of America a handful of times. I don't know that I have ever been there on a Saturday but I can assure you that I will not be going there on a Saturday afternoon again! Mike and I went on our way to a friend's birthday party and it was TERRIBLE! We showed up and they had all the entrances blocked off and we ended up parking in the overflow lot across the street. We walked in and could barely see the elevator because there were so many people. Everywhere we walked there were crowds of people and I am not patient when it comes to the mall and people getting in my way. We only bought two things (unless you count the pretzel and pop that we purchased) and were there for a couple hours. Overall it was not a pleasant shopping experience!
Friday, March 18, 2011
My baby...
...is growing up! Avery has his first loose tooth. He came into my room last night when he was supposed to be sleeping and said his tooth hurt. I asked him to let me see it and discovered it was super wiggly. He has wanted to lose a tooth so bad but I didn't think it would be this soon.
He is 5 months ahead of when Blake lost his first tooth. I can't believe how old he is already. Until he turned 5 I kept thinking of him as a 2 year old. I don't know why but I did. I think I just don't want him to ever grow up! At least he still likes to cuddle with his mom a little. He is a momma's boy through and through. He doesn't like how his daddy tucks him in so I always have to do it. Apparently I am the 'best tucker-inner in the world'!
He is 5 months ahead of when Blake lost his first tooth. I can't believe how old he is already. Until he turned 5 I kept thinking of him as a 2 year old. I don't know why but I did. I think I just don't want him to ever grow up! At least he still likes to cuddle with his mom a little. He is a momma's boy through and through. He doesn't like how his daddy tucks him in so I always have to do it. Apparently I am the 'best tucker-inner in the world'!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I'm in love!
I have been eyeing the picture on the left up for quite some time at Kohl's but they didn't have a matching one that was the same direction until Monday night when I stopped to find something for the bathroom. I was so excited because I also happened to have a 20% off coupon!! I finally got them put up tonight. I really liked the pictures that I had in that spot but they have been there since we moved in and it was just time for a change.
There have been lots of change in our house in the past two weeks! I am LOVING it! I LOVE change and have more pictures to share later.
There have been lots of change in our house in the past two weeks! I am LOVING it! I LOVE change and have more pictures to share later.
Heavy Heart
Today I once again have a heavy heart due to someone being taken by cancer. My cousin's husband has been fighting pancreatic cancer for nearly two years. He has fought very hard but he is losing his battle. He has three gorgeous daughters, one of which just had a baby this past weekend. My heart is with his entire family as they go through this difficult time. Words can't express how much I'd like to be there for them but they are all the way in AZ.
It seems like I hear of another person battling cancer every week. My family has been touched by it many times in the past few years. I think it is time we find a cure for this ugly disease! I wish it would have come in time for my cousin's family.
It seems like I hear of another person battling cancer every week. My family has been touched by it many times in the past few years. I think it is time we find a cure for this ugly disease! I wish it would have come in time for my cousin's family.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I wish...
...that things didn't hurt my feelings but they do. I wish that I wasn't so sensitive at times but I am. I wish that I didn't hold grudges but I do. I wish I didn't lose my cool at the little things. I wish I did lose my cool when it really counts. I wish I spoke my mind more often but I don't.
There are lots of things I WISH I could change about myself but they are what makes me who I am so I guess I'm stuck with this girl. The sensitive, over-reacting, grudge-holding girl. But there is one thing I can tell you...take it or leave it because I am not going to change for someone else!
There are lots of things I WISH I could change about myself but they are what makes me who I am so I guess I'm stuck with this girl. The sensitive, over-reacting, grudge-holding girl. But there is one thing I can tell you...take it or leave it because I am not going to change for someone else!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Funny Business
I had to share this story because I was laughing so hard I was crying!
Those of you who know Avery know that he loves to make people laugh and is constantly the entertainer around here. Today as I was tucking him in for nap he grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me firmly. It made me laugh so he did it again. I asked where he learned that and he said from the movie Sandlot 2. There is a part when a little boy goes to the kissing booth and grabs the girl in it and kisses her hard. He kisses her so much that he steals her gum. Avery didn't say how he thought that happened and I didn't ask but man it was funny. I had tears running down my cheeks.
Those of you who know Avery know that he loves to make people laugh and is constantly the entertainer around here. Today as I was tucking him in for nap he grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me firmly. It made me laugh so he did it again. I asked where he learned that and he said from the movie Sandlot 2. There is a part when a little boy goes to the kissing booth and grabs the girl in it and kisses her hard. He kisses her so much that he steals her gum. Avery didn't say how he thought that happened and I didn't ask but man it was funny. I had tears running down my cheeks.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Bathroom Update
As of this morning we have the following in the bathroom:
- Tiled shower
- Floor prepped for tile
- Walls sheetrocked
- Taping and mudding nearly complete
- Paint picked out
- Tiled shower
- Floor prepped for tile
- Walls sheetrocked
- Taping and mudding nearly complete
- Paint picked out
Glass/Stone accent tile
Shower tiled with two recessed shelves
Sheetrock...toilet area
Sheetrock taped and muded.
Finished off with the chair rail tile at the top.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Bathroom Update
The bathroom progress continues to move along. The shower tiling is mostly done...just waiting for a decorative piece at the top near the ceiling. The grouting will need to be done too before we use it but it is looking great! Trevor is here today finishing up sheetrocking so he can mud and tape today and possibly start tiling too. I am so excited to see this all coming back together! I can't wait until it's done.
I have more pictures and I will post them later.
I have more pictures and I will post them later.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Bathroom Update
Things are coming along with the bathroom project. Everything has been removed and things are starting to go back in! So exciting to see it coming back together. Tomorrow the tile guy is coming to do the shower...can't wait to see that! Here are some pictures of the progress:
This is the vanity area.
Toilet area and outside wall.
Shower area.
Shower area with backer board put in.
New tub...it's NOT blue just has blue plastic on it.
Medicine cabinet area framed up.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Bathroom Project
Here is a picture of the first hole knocked in the wall...now it is down to the studs and the guys are here right now working on taking out the floor and the rest of the wall that didn't get finished Friday. I will post an updated picture later today. Can't wait to see things start coming back together!
Christmas Scrapbook
I know Christmas is long past but I have been meaning to post about this project since then! If you are like me you get lots of Christmas cards and pictures. I used to keep them until the next year and then toss them. Well then I stole this idea from an old friend and I love it! I put all the pictures in a scrapbook so that I can look at them from year to year and see how people have changed.
Here's what you need:
- A scrapbook
- A glue stick
- A scissors
- Your Christmas cards/pictures
First I separate the cards from the pictures. I use the pictures on the cards as decoration on the pages. Because I don't like to write on the pages I find a card that says the year and maybe "Merry Christmas" or something like that to use on my first page for the year.
Then I start cutting the pictures out of the photo cards. I also cut out the name so that in years to come I can remember whose children I'm looking at.
Sometimes I do not cut the pictures apart if I can't bare to destroy the pretty card.
Sometimes I cut out fun shapes from the card to add a little extra 'something' to my page.
As you can see I arrange each page different. I cut everything out and lay it all out before gluing anything in place.
To an organized book like this...
Here's what you need:
- A scrapbook
- A glue stick
- A scissors
- Your Christmas cards/pictures
First I separate the cards from the pictures. I use the pictures on the cards as decoration on the pages. Because I don't like to write on the pages I find a card that says the year and maybe "Merry Christmas" or something like that to use on my first page for the year.
Then I start cutting the pictures out of the photo cards. I also cut out the name so that in years to come I can remember whose children I'm looking at.
Sometimes I do not cut the pictures apart if I can't bare to destroy the pretty card.
Sometimes I cut out fun shapes from the card to add a little extra 'something' to my page.
As you can see I arrange each page different. I cut everything out and lay it all out before gluing anything in place.
And of course I add our own Christmas card so we can remember that from year to year as well!
So that is how YOU can go from a pile of cards like this... To an organized book like this...
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bye Bye Bathroom!
Today begins the demolition of the bathroom. I wanted to take this time to say good bye to the teal tile that i have so disliked since we moved here nearly 6 years ago. We've had a good run but really it is time to part ways!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I love to sing although I am not good...don't worry I won't be trying out for American Idol and making a fool of myself. I had the tunes cranked the other day during daycare and was singing with a wooden spoon (can't you just picture it?) to the kids. These are the kind of looks I was getting. Can you see the blank look in their eyes? Yes kids, your daycare lady might be crazy!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sat down on the toilet this morning and my butt got wet. At first I thought it was pee from a little boy who had been in there just before me. I jumped up and looked at the seat and it was dry...so upon further inspection I noticed that the toilet water was up nearly to the top of the toilet bowl. So my bumm was soaking in that water! EEWWW! I'm kind of a germ freak so it grossed me out totally!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Points for Creativity!
Over the weekend all of us went to visit Mike's grandma for a day. She is very old school and only has only recently purchased a washing machine. Up until a year and a half ago she only had a wringer washer until she got her fingers caught in it!
When we came she asked that we got to the back door. As soon as we got into the house and settled we realized why! We saw the creative way she had blocked the drafts on the door. It made me laugh so hard. I asked Mike if it was rude if I took a picture...I made sure that she wouldn't see me and I did it anyway! Just looking at this picture gives me a good chuckle. She gets points for creativity!
When we came she asked that we got to the back door. As soon as we got into the house and settled we realized why! We saw the creative way she had blocked the drafts on the door. It made me laugh so hard. I asked Mike if it was rude if I took a picture...I made sure that she wouldn't see me and I did it anyway! Just looking at this picture gives me a good chuckle. She gets points for creativity!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Alright everyone I am here to confess! I put on a facade that I am with it and organized and ambitious but I think I will feel better to get this off my chest. Let me tell you about my house right now...
Kitchen: I just finished sweeping and mopping my kitchen floor for the first time in probably two weeks. I don't even necessarily sweep it every week which I will admit is kinda icky but hey I can't do it all. Along with the dirty floor my countertops are also cluttered. There is a never-ending stash of clean dishes on the counter because our dishwasher is portable and a pain to wash so it is easier to wash dishes by hand sometimes. And speaking of said dishwasher it too is covered with many items. It seems to be our 'catch-all' area!
Bathroom: As we are busy waiting for construction to begin on the main bathroom I have done as little cleaning in it as possible since it will soon be a disaster area anyway. The shower hasn't been used since our curtain rod broke about a month ago and we decided we could just live with using the basement one instead of buying a new one for only 4-6 weeks of use.
Living Room: The carpet in here could certainly use a cleaning with all the spit up, dog pee, baby drool and formula dribbled on it. The furniture has not been dusted in at least 3 weeks and I am hoping to convince my 7 year old to do it for me.
Bedrooms: These are not too bad although the dusting has not been done in a while. The kids' rooms are kind of cluttered because they don't like to put things away and my organization skills have apparently not rubbed off on them:)
So for those of you who think I have it all together please know I don't! I feel much better getting this all off my chest and hope that having everyone know this about my house will give me the motivation to get it all figured out!
Kitchen: I just finished sweeping and mopping my kitchen floor for the first time in probably two weeks. I don't even necessarily sweep it every week which I will admit is kinda icky but hey I can't do it all. Along with the dirty floor my countertops are also cluttered. There is a never-ending stash of clean dishes on the counter because our dishwasher is portable and a pain to wash so it is easier to wash dishes by hand sometimes. And speaking of said dishwasher it too is covered with many items. It seems to be our 'catch-all' area!
Bathroom: As we are busy waiting for construction to begin on the main bathroom I have done as little cleaning in it as possible since it will soon be a disaster area anyway. The shower hasn't been used since our curtain rod broke about a month ago and we decided we could just live with using the basement one instead of buying a new one for only 4-6 weeks of use.
Living Room: The carpet in here could certainly use a cleaning with all the spit up, dog pee, baby drool and formula dribbled on it. The furniture has not been dusted in at least 3 weeks and I am hoping to convince my 7 year old to do it for me.
Bedrooms: These are not too bad although the dusting has not been done in a while. The kids' rooms are kind of cluttered because they don't like to put things away and my organization skills have apparently not rubbed off on them:)
So for those of you who think I have it all together please know I don't! I feel much better getting this all off my chest and hope that having everyone know this about my house will give me the motivation to get it all figured out!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Now I know lots of people just think of this day as a Hallmark holiday but I think it is what you make of it and I choose to make the best of it. I take it as a day to let all the people in my life know how special they are to me! I think we should all take the time to tell our loved ones how much we love them every day but in this busy life we forget how important it is. SO...go tell them how much they mean to you. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
It amazes me that a person can feel so connected to another without ever even meeting them. I never had the pleasure of meeting this apparently amazing woman myself but have heard from lots of people about how wonderful and inspiring she was. I have followed the CaringBridge site for Becky Hewitt for several years and cannot believe that the time has come that she has gone to her maker. She has struggled with breast cancer since her youngest daughter was just small. Her youngest daughter is the same age as my Blake and it is hard to imagine, as a mother, having to leave your child and not get to see them grow up. That is one of my biggest fears in life and my heart just breaks for Becky and her family! I cannot imagine the affect it will have on her girls and everyone she has touched.
Even though I have not ever met her or heard her speak I want to say that she has touched my life...it really makes me re-evaluate how I live my life. I will hug my babies a little tighter every day and just remember that every moment needs to count in life! You have inspired so many!
Even though I have not ever met her or heard her speak I want to say that she has touched my life...it really makes me re-evaluate how I live my life. I will hug my babies a little tighter every day and just remember that every moment needs to count in life! You have inspired so many!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Vote for Me!
Please consider voting for me to win this online mentoring in photography. I would love to win this so much but can't do it without your help! Thank you in advance.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Valentine's Day
I had to share this fun Valentine's craft I did. I don't have a lot of decorations for Valentine's Day and so when I found this on the One Pretty Thing blog I had to try it. For directions you can go here. It is so simple and I did 4 of them from one roll of the heavy wire so cheap too!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Date Night
So Mike and I decided to take the kids on individual dates tonight. I was taking Blake out to eat and let him choose where we went before we headed to Wow Zone. Blake chose to go to Culvers to eat. I thought Mike was taking BW3 before taking him to the hockey game. As we were eating in walks Mike & Avery. Of all the times to show up at the same place.
We had a good time at the Wow Zone. We did the black light mini golf and Blake had a good time but I felt like it was kinda dumb (not about me though right?). We finished up our date at Cold Stone with some ice cream.
Unfortunately our night ended with some attitude being thrown around....guess it was bed time. Avery and daddy had a great time watching the Mavericks beat the Beavers and he even got a puck. I wish I had a picture of when Mike told him that is where they were going...you'd have thought he was getting to go to Disney World!
We had a good time at the Wow Zone. We did the black light mini golf and Blake had a good time but I felt like it was kinda dumb (not about me though right?). We finished up our date at Cold Stone with some ice cream.
Unfortunately our night ended with some attitude being thrown around....guess it was bed time. Avery and daddy had a great time watching the Mavericks beat the Beavers and he even got a puck. I wish I had a picture of when Mike told him that is where they were going...you'd have thought he was getting to go to Disney World!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Long Awaited Frame
I have been looking everywhere in town for a panoramic frame to fit this picture I had the photographer take when Avery got his team hockey picture taken. A mom behind me suggested a picture of all the kids' skates because Avery's were so high off the ground while everyone else could touch (in case you didn't know he's kind of a peanut). So I asked the photographer if they could do that for me and they obliged. When they came back I wasn't thrilled with the angle they'd taken it at, but after a little cropping and making it black & white it was perfect! The only problem was finding a frame.
I couldn't find any in town so I finally looked online. I found one at Amazon.com and it is exactly what I had in mind. It fits perfectly, is black and just simple. It looks just like I envisioned it...LOVE when that happens!
I couldn't find any in town so I finally looked online. I found one at Amazon.com and it is exactly what I had in mind. It fits perfectly, is black and just simple. It looks just like I envisioned it...LOVE when that happens!
I am working on making Valentine's for Blake's class and Avery's daycare friends. Last year I made them by hand and they turned out so great so I decided to do them again. These are the ones I'm working on for this year...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Do me a favor...
Do me a quick favor and scroll down and on the right side click on my 2007 posts. Go and watch the video of Avery saying 'Happy Halloween'. It is so adorable. I miss those moments! Not that they aren't still cute at times but not like when they are almost 2. I miss my babies!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Do-it-Yourself Foaming Soap
I used to buy the large refill bottle for my foaming soap but it only came in one scent. So I read about making your own and want to share it with you!
1 large empty bottle
1 bottle hand soap (NOTE: creamy soaps don't work very well)
1. Empty hand soap into empty bottle. I used a makeshift funnel to avoid mess.
2. Fill the empty hand soap bottle up with water and dump into large bottle. Repeat once.
3. You'll notice that the soap and water don't mix at first. Place the cap on the large bottle and shake!
4. Pour into your soap dispenser and use. Simple as that!
1 large empty bottle
1 bottle hand soap (NOTE: creamy soaps don't work very well)
1. Empty hand soap into empty bottle. I used a makeshift funnel to avoid mess.
2. Fill the empty hand soap bottle up with water and dump into large bottle. Repeat once.
3. You'll notice that the soap and water don't mix at first. Place the cap on the large bottle and shake!
4. Pour into your soap dispenser and use. Simple as that!
Friday, January 28, 2011
New House Project!
I am SO excited to have this project in the works! I have been waiting 5.5 LONG years to do it but with the cost it just didn't work. FINALLY we are going to remodel our bathroom. After our basement bathroom project last year that was just finished a month or so ago (the trim wasn't up but it was functional) we have decided to hire it done. We are having one of Mike's friends, Trevor Rome with Trevor Rome Construction Services, do it.
We will be going from this 'beautiful' three-tone teal bathroom:
My least favorite aspects of this bathroom are:
- The white tiles patched into spots where they removed things
- The disgusting grout on the floor
- The hidious porcelain knobs
- The tiled vanity top
When we moved in it was painted a light shade of yellow which believe me did nothing to help it! The brown made it livable and I had a shower curtain that was shades of teal and brown, but the rod broke so until it is remodeled we won't be using the shower.
This is the accent tile we picked out:
Cabernet. The main tile will look like this:
We have almost everything picked out/purchased. Still need to find a medicine cabinet, vanity top and sink faucet. It should be just a couple weeks until it begins. I can't wait!
We will be going from this 'beautiful' three-tone teal bathroom:
My least favorite aspects of this bathroom are:
- The white tiles patched into spots where they removed things
- The disgusting grout on the floor
- The hidious porcelain knobs
- The tiled vanity top
When we moved in it was painted a light shade of yellow which believe me did nothing to help it! The brown made it livable and I had a shower curtain that was shades of teal and brown, but the rod broke so until it is remodeled we won't be using the shower.
This is the accent tile we picked out:
Cabernet. The main tile will look like this:
We have almost everything picked out/purchased. Still need to find a medicine cabinet, vanity top and sink faucet. It should be just a couple weeks until it begins. I can't wait!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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