Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Party
Santa told a very inappropriate breastfeeding story and said that it was his most embarassing moment. I think all the adults were flabbergasted but the kids didn't seem to even notice!
This weekend Avery wanted to call Santa because his new Twins hat didn't fit. We told him to call but he said he didn't know his number. It was so cute.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Blake continues to do well with hockey. They had their 2nd game of the season. They don't keep score so it is basically just for fun. He is doing better listening this week than last week but it seems that he isn't the only one with a short attention span. He loves every minute of it though so that is what is important. They have been asking to go to the outdoor rink every day!
Avery started skating lessons yesterday. He got to skate on Christmas Eve with the whole family so he got a little practice in then. He did better outside than in but I think the ice wasn't so slippery outside.
As for Mike and I we have been off work. He has 2 weeks off and I have 12 days off so it could be tense around our house by the 5th when we go back to work! So far we are still working on putting our house back in order. I will be taking down everything Christmas today. We just really need some order back!
I will post some pictures in a little while.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Cute Blake Story
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I went shopping on Friday and it was a whole lot of crazy. I wasn't a witness to any of the fights but rumor was that someone got a broken nose at Walmart. Probably over some dumb toy or TV!
Now we are into the Christmas season. Our tree is up and there are presents wrapped under the tree. The boys enjoy being the tape boys and giving me pieces as I wrap. It is helpful for the most part but sometimes they just get a little too crazy. They are awfully crazy anyway since all the excitement of Christmas is here!
Well, I better get them to bed! They are wild and need to settle down.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Mike has been able to get a little hunting in...a lot in my mind but I am sure not in his! He is getting out pretty much every weekend. He is out by himself today. Blake is still enjoying his hockey time. He has been begging us to get him breezers for hockey so I guess Christmas will be good to him. He is improving every week when he skates and it is fun to watch. Next Saturday is their first game day so he is excited! Avery has been getting pumped up for his 3rd birthday. He is so excited for his birthday be we have all been at a loss as to what to buy him! He has come up with a couple ideas for us so that helps.
Here are some of our recent pictures. The one of the two in the old time clothes was taken for a fundraiser. Grandma Sue got them done. They are so cute!
Avery posing so cute
Old Time Baseball Players
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Welcome November
Blake with our jack-o-lanterns
Let's hope the rest of November is a little kinder to Avery. He does have a birthday coming up on the 28th so let's hope it is a good month. Hard to believe he will be 3!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Busy Month
The following weekend we had a birthday to celebrate...Blake turned 5! I can hardly believe that he is 5 years old already. Next year he will be going to kindergarten...what a change that will be for us (mostly me)! Friday of that weekend mommy got to go to a concert. It was very fun but also very late. It was a busy weekend to start out that way but it was fine. Saturday morning we had a 'friends' birthday party for Blake. He invited 4 friends and we went to the local craft store to decorate pumpkins. I think the kids really enjoyed it!
Then that afternoon we all had time to take a nap and get ready for the family birthday party. Blake got lots of clothes so he is decked out for fall. He only got a couple toys which was a relief for mom and dad as the house continues to be packed with toys. He did however get his one and only request for his birthday...a new John Deere bike! He was so excited. He is having some trouble getting on it by himself and starting but he LOVES it. That also gave Avery a chance to get a bigger bike. He gets to ride the original John Deere bike with the training wheels. Last night I took him for a walk and he did great. They are growing up so fast.
This past weekend was also a busy one. Blake got to go duck hunting in the boat for the first time ever. He was so excited. He wasn't feeling well all weekend but didn't want to miss his chance to go do that with his dad. He had a lot of fun and never asked to go home once according to dad. Then on Sunday mom had a wedding show to do for her dessert business. It was a long day but hopefully worth it in the end.
So that is our month in a nutshell so far and we still have Halloween to get to yet. Avery has decided to be an apple tree for Halloween and Blake a hockey player. Can't wait to see them out there in their costumes!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
First Time on the Ice
I also took the boys to the scarecrow festival at Emma Krumbee's in Belle Plaine along with Grandma Sue. They liked looking at all the scarecrows but really enjoyed the train ride and pony rides. Then we drove down the road a ways to the apple stand. They had lots of different apples to try and buy. I never knew there were so many different kinds of apples. All taste a little different too. The boys enjoyed it. On the way home we stopped and bought pumpkins. It was a fun-filled day that wore them out. And me for that matter!
Tomorrow we are going to try and head down to visit our friend Amy who is now out of ICU but still in Rochester St Mary's Hospital. Things sound like they are getting better but she will continue to be there. We are dropping the boys off at Grandpa Bruce's house to play for the afternoon. Should be fun for them!
I will post some pictures soon from the trip to Emma Krumbee's today!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Growing Up too Fast!
Also, our thoughts continue to be with our friend Amy Reid and her family as she pushes through to recover after a terrible fall down a flight of stairs. She is currently in a coma in Rochester - St Mary's Hospital. We are praying for her to make a full recovery in a short time because she has two little ones of her own that need her...Kenna, 10 & Luke 7.
It seems that our life is constantly touched by tragedy and illness. It shows a person how precious family and friends really are. So here is a big hug to all of you that we love to say how much we care! We don't say it enough.
Kiss your loved ones and your babies!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Our lives are about to change!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Mike!
Avery Mini Golfing
Dr Burton examining Avery after his heart cath
Avery & Mommy ready to go home

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Happy July
Blake is riding his bike all on his own - take off too. He is doing so well. We have promised him a new bike so we will have to work on that! They have been having fun taking swimming lessons from a friend of mine's sister. She does private lessons and they are so excited for them every week. They will be sad when they are done.
Well, here's to hoping that I can get better about updates and that everyone has a great 4th of July. I for one am looking forward to the long weekend!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Until Next time...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sorry this one is crooked!
Avery has also started to master the art of pedaling the trike. They are both getting so big it is just amazing!
Monday, April 28, 2008
5 Weeks
Proud Puppy Holder
What is this thing?
Monday, April 21, 2008
4 Weeks Old
Little Pigs Eating...can you even see the bowl?
Playing is hard work...
Look at those faces...
"Puppies in a Basket"
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pictures as promised...
Avery's & his dancing buddy
All lined up.
I'm outta here...
Look at that face!