Well the puppies are here...right now we have 8 puppies, 5 black males and 2 yellow females. She started having them at about 7:15 this morning (the first little boy was born before we were up) and she had the last one at 8:30 tonight. Mike and I spent the day running back and forth from Easter at Grandma Sue's to our house every hour or so to check on Abbi. The majority of the puppies were born while we were around. The boys are in complete awe of this whole experience as are Mike and I, I would have to say. It is pretty amazing to watch all this happening. Abbi has been an amzaing first time mommy...she knows just what to do! It appears that there may be one more puppy in there so we are waiting to see. By morning I am hoping that she is done and feeling not quite so exhausted! She looks just wiped out right now. I have a baby monitor set up for tonight so that I don't have to come check on her every 2 hours! I have 9 kids tomorrow at daycare so it will be a very hectic day!
Anyway, here are some pictures...more to come!

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