Thursday we had the day off from daycare due to some appointments we had. The boys had a dentist appt first and they both got an A+ on their teeth. Neither of them liked what they were doing to clean their teeth and were crying...I can sympathize but I keep telling them that it is much worse if they don't get them checked out and end up with a cavity. Blake's teeth are getting close to being wiggly so we will probably be missing some teeth before long. After the appt they got to go play at their old daycare's house while mommy had an appt for herself.
Avery had his preschool screening on Friday. He did really well. I took him and left dad at home with one daycare kid and Blake. I took the 6 month old daycare kid with me however that made it so I was unable to take Avery back to do the screening. It worked out though and he probably did better that way since he couldn't cling to me. He completed all the tasks and the only concern they had was with his speech. He has a hard time saying some of his letters (the harder ones s, l, r, sh, etc). As of now he is completely on track for school in 2.5 years.
Yesterday Blake had another game for hockey. He did really well. Him and his friend, Ryan, who is on his team, make a great team! They scored a few goals with a few of them being passes from one to the other. At one point I heard Blake yell 'Ryan, over here!' They have made friends for life!
Avery is in his second session of skating lessons. He is doing really well. We are talking about signing him up for hockey next year as we will be at the arena anyway. We will see...depends on how much of an attention span he has at that point but I have a feeling for hockey it will be long!
Today we are headed back to the arena for another hockey practice and then to grandma's for supper. I made some little shamrock cookies for the hockey team after practice so hopefully they enjoy those. I will try to post some pictures this week...I haven't uploaded any for a while!
10 years ago
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