Saturday, May 30, 2009

Exciting Times

Last weekend we ended up taking the boys to the MN Zoo. They loved it. Both of them walked the entire time and if you've ever been to that zoo, you know that it is a TON of walking. They did really well. The grizzly bear decided to give them an up close and personal look as they were standing at the window. I think that was their favorite part.

Thursday Blake started his first season of t-ball. They practiced and he had fun. He was so excited. His hockey buddy Tyler is on his team so that was very exciting for Blake. At home they are both trying enjoying playing baseball in the backyard. Blake hit a couple balls right over the tree and Avery is starting to get homeruns frequently too!

Today's exciting news is that Avery is learning to ride his bike without training wheels. He tried it one day last weekend and didn't do so well so he was scared and wanted them back on. Today we went for a walk and he was scared he was going to fall even with the training wheels on. Then at supper he told me he wanted to take them off again. So we took them off and headed over to the church with all his gear on. He got scared at first again but soon figured out that we weren't going to let him fall. So by the time we were done he was doing great! He isn't confident enough to want us to let go but he is doing great! He was so excited that he had to call Grandpa & Grandmas to tell them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome New Life...

On Mother's Day afternoon we saw some new life hanging out in the tree outside the bathroom window. There was a daddy cardinal feeding his baby when Mike called us in. When we walked in the daddy flew away but the baby was still there the rest of the afternoon. It was neat for the kids (and us) to see a new little baby just leaving the nest.

The big news in our house is that Avery has a big bed and a newly painted room. He was so excited and has started sleeping better. Here's a picture of how he sleeps in his new bed...and of his new room. Also I've included a picture of how Blake likes to sleep too...I'm so amazed that these kids don't fall out of bed!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Photos

We had a fabulous Mother's Day lunch with all the grandmas at our house. I made a dinner of cheesy turkey sandwiches, apple salad, romaine strawberry salad with a raspberry spritzer and ice cream sandwich dessert. It was nice to have everyone together to celebate. Here are some pictures from the day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

April Showers...bring May Flowers

That is how it goes right? Well so far May has been pretty rainy too. We really do need the rain too but I wish it would only rain at night while we sleep so we don't have to spend our days inside. It gets harder all the time to keep them busy when it is rainy.

We haven't been to busy lately with much. Last weekend we had a wedding for my cousin and the kids had so much fun. Avery asked for like an hour 'is the dance starting yet?' and that was all before we even ate! Once the dance started though they both had fun and were well worn out! They for sure didn't make it home awake that night.

Sunday Avery was getting changed after church and I walked into the hallway to find this 'monster' coming at me! Not sure what got into him but it was really funny!

Grandma bought them two new big wheels to ride and Avery can actually reach the pedals on this one. They are really funny to watch race.

This weekend will be filled with picking out flowers and celebrating Mother's Day with our family. I have everyone coming over (both sets of my grandparents, my dad & Patty & Sue) for dinner to celebrate. Hopefully it will be a nice dinner that we can just enjoy.

Happy Mother's Day to all you grandma's and moms out there.