So what can I say, it's been a busy few weeks and I haven't posted! I have lots to catch you up on. Let's see...after Father's Day weekend we spent the weekend at a softball tournament. Mike played with a bunch of his old softball buddies in honor of their friend Tim Voigt who has Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS). It is an excuse for everyone to get together once a year. Everyone had a good time and the boys really enjoyed watching their dad play.
4th of July
Then came the 4th of July weekend. The kids were especially excited to attend the annual parade in Elysian. The parade wasn't as good as in past years but it didn't matter to the kids! After the parade we headed to the lake to take the jet ski (Mike's uncle's) out on the water. After some fun at the beach we were off to watch the fireworks. The kids were quite tired by then but enjoyed it. If we could just get Avery over his fear of the loud noises...need to get some ear plugs for that kid!
Moondogs & Fun Days
Last weekend was spent with more fun at the Moondogs game and North Mankato Fun Days. Friday night we went to the Moondogs game Grandpa Bruce & Grandma Patty. The game was lots of fun and the first one we have gone to all year. Unfortunately the Dogs didn't win. Saturday was the parade. We were having a good time until Avery started to get sick. He started out whiny and then would just lay on Mike's lap. Eventually I took him inside where he threw up. He was pretty miserable but eventually decided he felt better and we went down to the carnival and did a few rides. He got scared on one of them and decided that he was done. After we got back to Grandma Sue's house he was not feeling well again.
Enjoy the pictures and I promise I will TRY to get better at posting things on here!
10 years ago
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