Every year my husband has a countdown going on a calendar at work of how many days are left til early goose season. Periodically I'll ask him how many days are left and he'll know the answer off the top of his head (YES, he's that obsessed). Each August I can feel the days getting closer as a black trailer is parked out in front of our house and a boat blind is filled with broom grass and decoys are meticulously set out and repainted (don't worry if you don't understand what these things are I didn't either until I met my husband).
So tomorrow is the big day! I used to dread hunting season as it meant lots of time with my hubby gone and me having to take care of the kids on my own. Well the day has come when BOTH boys want to go with their dad and he happily gets all their stuff ready for the season. So tomorrow I am going to wake up to an empty house, except for the dog, and enjoy every minute of it! My plans for the day include sleeping in (especially since I am up late trying to teach myself a few things about photography) and then slowly getting myself ready for a day of shopping with my mother-in-law who, herself, endured many years of hunting season. She however is a much better wife/mother than I'll ever be because she would get up and make them breakfast before they went hunting. Not this wife/mom...she enjoys her sleep!
I'm really hoping that my two overly-excited boys can drag themselves out of bed in the morning at 3:15 am since they both were up later than their dad tonight. They will be tired tomorrow...hopefully that means that I am going to be able to come home to everyone napping after my shopping escapades!
10 years ago
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