Today is the 10th anniversary of the day Mike proposed to me. I had drug him out to the ring store on duck opener (after he finished hunting of course) to show him the ring that I wanted. I had gone shopping with my aunt and picked it out since he was dragging his feet about it. I called him and told him that I had it picked out and he came to the mall in his camo (and duck blood too I believe) to buy the ring. He abliged and we also picked one out for him.
A few weeks later, two days prior to my 21st birthday, he popped the question. I should have known something was up as he was home from work and showered when I got home that day. He was watching TV and wanted me to sit on his lap so I did. He then said 'I have a question to ask you'. I don't remember the rest of the conversation but it wasn't some long drawn out romantic proposal but the question was asked and I answered YES! We've made a lot of great memories in the past 10 years and in 5.5 months we will celebrate our 10th Anniversary. I can't believe it's been that long but it has been a great ride so far!
10 years ago
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