So I am back...and completely wiped! We left at 2 pm on Tuesday and returned to Mankato at 11:30 pm last night. It was such a fun trip. I had never been to Chicago so it was exciting to get to see it all.
I started out having to rearrange everything and find people to come sit with the kids so that we could leave at 2 pm instead of 3. We managed to make it to the airport with PLENTY of time to spare as the roads weren't that bad. Once we got on the plane we sat on the tarmack for an hour as first the runway was icy, then they had to de-ice the plane and anti-ice the plane then finish the inspection of the runway. We were finally on our way for the 1 hour flight and got to Chicago Midway in one piece.
We took the train to the hotel we were staying at and finally got there around 11 pm I think. The train ride was pretty fun...not busy but nervewracking making sure we didn't miss the stop and could get off in time. At one point I pulled out some cookies I had brought because we needed a snack. Just as my mother-in-law (MIL) took her second bite I heard an announcement that there was to be no eating on the train. So being the rule follower that I am I put both our cookies back in my bag. We all had a good laugh as it felt like they were watching us!
We had to be at Oprah's studio by 7 am so we were up at 4:30 am (mostly because we couldn't sleep) and got ready to go. We got breakfast and made our way via taxi to the Harpo Stuido. Once there it was so much like being in Kindergarten. They make everyone be in a single file line to get into the building and then once in you check your coats and and then they search through your purse...I mean search it! They removed my note paper, a paper with our hotel info and my cell phone. I am not sure why they take out the paper but I wasn't going to question them. They check it and you get it back after the show.
So then after they search your stuff they put you in a 'holding' room where you wait for your name to be called. I am not sure what order they call people in but we were one of the last groups to be called so didn't get our choice of seats but we could still see Oprah and the guests on the show.
I know you are dying for me to tell you about the show...but I can't, I'm sworn to secrecy...Just kidding. It was a show about the "Truths about Motherhood" full of confessions real moms via Skype, co-authors of a book about being a mom (not sure of the title or authors names as I couldn't use my note pad to write that down) and Cheryl Hines, who is on the new show "In the Motherhood" on ABC. We do not have any date that it will air right now. We were just told to watch her website for more details.
Oh, and she gave us all Flip Video cameras that say 'mOms' them! They are about a $150 digital video camera for those of you who don't know. I had actually looked at buying one not that long ago.
To be continued.....
10 years ago
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