What a great weekend! The weather has been great. The boys got to get their bikes out today to ride. They both needed a lesson before they could get going! How soon they forget things. We also got out the grill tonight. Man did those brats taste good! Our local DQ opened today too so after supper we got some blizzards.
Both the boys have been little comedians today. Blake told us on the way to hockey that he sure wished it wasn't 52 degrees. We asked him why and he said 'because I'm hot!' Of course we had our winter stuff on because we were headed to the arena! Then tonight after we put him to bed Avery came out to the living room. I asked what he wanted and he said 'Mommy, thank you for giving me my toys back.' Mike and I were both laughing. He had gotten his toys taken away over a week ago because he wouldn't pick them up. I finally gave them back last Friday. Funny that it took him so long to tell me thank you!
10 years ago
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